SWEDEN is short for SWEat of a DEmoN...no, don't believe everything you read on the internet

Swedish people are crazy about health, exercise and overall staying fit.

Therefore fitness in Sweden is no place for beginners. There you are running on the treadmill next to an extremely fit old lady that listens to god knows what on her iPhone but it sure gives her a super power because you look like a dying horse next to her. You, meaning me…I'm the dying horse in this story.

I decided it's time to become more Swedish and not rely merely on my blond hair anymore, so I'm doing a fun activity called "marathon" this year. It might not deserve a label marathon because it's only 10km long, but they haven't invented the word that would satisfy me at this point. Maybe it's a 10K run or an app. ¼ of a marathon but in my eyes time will go 4 times slower so I think I have a right to call it "my marathon".

In the spirit of being fit I decided not to bail on a snowboarding day in Swedish "mountains". This so called Romme ski resort is in the part of Sweden called Dalarna which is famous for the Dala horse. As Paris has Eiffel tower and Rome has Coliseum, they have a giant red horse that keeps tourism going in this little town called Avesta. Sadly the horse was quite lonely that day.

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